Hi everyone,
You may have seen in the press or only be too aware of a bit of lockdown weight gain. I'd not be surprised if the average was even a bit higher than the 3kg the BBC is talking about here: Lockdown weight gain averaging half a stone - survey
Personally, I gained weight too. Yep, even many nutritionists, trainers and coaches gained a few pounds being locked inside. Fewer steps, commuting and generally getting about and doing stuff. On the plus side the 3-4kg of fat I gained was matched by 6-7kg of muscle a 2:1 ratio. I prefer a 5:1 when coaching my clients buy hey ho - now's the time to trim down and hold onto the lean gainzzzzz.
If you gained a few pounds here are a few guides to follow which will help you.
Quickstart Guide – Fat Loss
Fat burning strategies
Revive in 5 Brochure (contains meal plans + supplement protocols)
Often just reading isn't enough though. You need accountability and self-awareness (I spoke about this before) you need to believe in yourself which is in part down to self-esteem and being able to keep good affirmations and positive self-talk going in the face of adversity.
If that's your bag and you want accountability and support my online coaching group is really good. Here's what people, REAL people are saying.
If you don't believe me you can join (the first few days are free = try before you buy) and ask them yourself. The group funnily enough isn't about making money it's about helping people - no really. If it was about making money it wouldn't be so cheap.
Anyway, now we're coming out of lockdown if you've gained a few pounds and wearing business clothes is looming, the little things called calories may have been sowing your shirts and skirts a bit tighter. If you need some support JUMP IN. Try a few days, ask some questions - post your results and learn lots about feeling better, looking great and staying strong for life both physically and mentally.