Quite a few folks will be returning from holiday now and planning the new phase leading into the Autumn.
I kind of like the feeling of a new academic year and a new start. It’s often the case for making new plans and goals, resetting and perhaps burning off a bit of holiday weight.
I want you to think about a few things as we enter the Autumn and hopefully have the last blast of an Indian summer:
Immune support – when kids go back to school and when everyone returns to work immune support is essential
Goal setting...Are you yo-yoing? Not getting where you want? Let’s talk about behaviour change and goal setting (join my Strength For Life Group)
Winter blues and SAD. Be ready. Cause it creeps up on you. SAD article is on the Amino Man archives.
Personally, I try to get my clients to make goals and reaffirm goals on a daily basis. It’s an ongoing process of what went well, what needs work and how could you see it going better in the next 24-hour period.
I also take an 11-minute holiday every day via sitting still and controlling my breath. Complete breaks outside of your environment are essential. Daily breaks can go a long way to helping keep calm under pressure too.
Holidays are almost an essential part of being a human being.
There’s research showing taking adequate breaks really does ad up in terms of longer-term health. Of course, if we had a lifetime of holidays things would quickly fall apart. Lack of stress is just as fatal as too much stress.
It looks like 3 weeks or less isn’t very good for longer-term heart health. Of course, you can learn to take mind vacations through the proper practice of breathing techniques and mindfulness between actual planned holidays as I mentioned above.
If you don’t do this at the moment, maybe today is the day to start?
Now the holiday season is drawing to an end, we’re all in the ‘back to school’ mode.
100 days till a hard body project starts on Monday 4th September 2023
Anyone interested can email me and join the Strength for Life Group.
There’s no upselling in the group for a much higher ticket price, maybe there should be, It’s just not how I work. I want to offer incredible value.
So much of nutrition, food and supplementation is about feeling better, sleeping better, training harder and also being less prone to suffering and anxiety-type thought patterns.
Physiology drives psychology and psychology drives physiology. One of my main areas is to ensure clients have the best physiology making decisions and mental strength processes far, far, easier.
I came off my supplements for a couple of weeks during the summer break. It’s good to do this a couple of times each year, unless you are managing a health issue.
I don’t feel as able to do as much exercise, inflammation increases, mentally less sharp – so I’m back on now, sharpening the saw.
Metabolic Optimiser + Focus Sustain starts the day, Omega Fish Oils and R5s round it off nicely. Scattering Adrenal T Max or Multi Vitamins depending on the day and post workout usually Enhanced Collagen + Creatine. Intra workout of course MAC (Metabolic Amino Complex).
I’m helping more people now with mental health type disorders so many of these stems from nutritional imbalances combined with emotional experiences.
For mental health you need a few key things (nutritionally speaking);
- Movement and exercise
- Vitamin D
- B-vitamins
- Methylation Factors
- An absence of deficiency in any vitamin or mineral particularly b-vitamins, magnesium and zinc.
- Sunshine
- Exercise
- High levels of omega 3 – Personally I’ve seen 100s of people experience less anxiety after taking higher levels of omega 3
- Sleep plenty of deep sleep
- Serotonin pre-cursors such as 5HTP
Non-nutritional things you need are:
- Strokes, kisses, love and nurture!
- Sense of purpose and social integration
- Friends or family (ideally both).
When raising children keeping their sense of self and self-esteem high is a key priority. I’ve spoken about this in the last couple of posts:
Screen time in excess can make this super challenging – I believe this to be directly harmful to nurturing. It’s like excessive sugar and poor behaviour, the studies are all not all conclusive but you only need to observe behavioural changes to ‘know’ this simply isn’t the way forward.
I used to think I was an okay coach until I had kids!
It’s unbelievable how hard it is to coach them sometimes. You can never stop trying though, trying to make them better little people, building a moral code into their consciousness.
Being the change you want to see is essential. Leading by example.
Keeping them active and off screens – making them believe actually what you are saying to them is valid and true.
What’s really important with kids and adults is key connections are never made without emotional involvement. A little bit like memories.
Forming emotional connections can be made through incentives, withdrawal from the group or activities is also a highly powerful motivator for change.
As primarily monkey’s withdrawal from the groups comes at an almost inevitable cessation of your DNA. It’s a powerful motivator.
So, 100 days to a hard body (or harder body if you are already buff) Starts this Monday 4th. Back on the wagon, reduced screen time and autumn projects emerge.
Jump in the Group. If for no other reason that it includes a year-round 30% discount on Amino Man. It’s worth it just for that alone let alone the coaching and information!
Good luck with yours and speak soon.